The energies mingle in many different ways that may make our life easier or present challenges. The zodiac has also a lot to teach us about our path in this life.
Why would you want to let a few lines in a paper or the internet or a magazine govern how you choose to do things just so that subconsciously, the horoscopes are made definite to come true. You don t have to dabble in black magic to get a reading of someone s destiny. Astrology works best when viewed as a map of possibility, over which the individual has much influence.
Wide-set eyes may reveal a person who is cautious and watchful, while close set eyes hint at a limited thought span. Some find it easy to learn a new language, and some find it difficult. A Taurean can be very stubborn, strong-headed and opinionated.
Astrology readings are not just about predicting the future. Will it last? Well, that s mainly up to you!
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